Colorado Archaeological Society
- Members will uphold State and Federal antiquity laws.
- Excavation of archaeological sites will be conducted only according to professionally accepted procedures developed in consultation with a professional archaeologist and with the written permission of the landowner. The investigator has the responsibility for publication of the results of his/her investigation and for making the collection available for further scientific study.
- Members are encouraged to report archaeological sites to the Office of the State Archaeologist on state survey forms. Materials collected from the surface of sites shall be catalogued and described in the Site Survey Report. Collected materials should be deposited with the State Archaeologist’s Office or other responsible repository and made available for scientific study.
- Members will not support illegal or unscientifically conducted activities by participating in or condoning the sale, exchange or purchase of artifacts obtained from such sites.
- Members who exhibit artifacts will do so in an educational context. Items from burials and objects considered sacred will not be exhibited.
- Members will cooperate with the State Archaeologist and other persons and agencies concerned with archaeology and related fields.
- Members will respect the dignity of groups whose culture histories are the subject of archaeological investigation.
- Members will not participate in conduct involving dishonesty, deceit or misrepresentation about archaeological matters.