I have been interested in archaeology since I was a child when I would seek out books about archaeology in the library. It was 1992, however, before I accidentally found my way to IPCAS
via Dock Teegarten – a wonderful man who was a long term member of IPCAS. After reading in Longmont’s newspaper about a field trip to view stone circles, I called to sign up. Dock let me know that the trip really wasn’t open to the general public (wasn’t supposed to be in the paper), but if I wanted to join IPCAS………… He extolled the virtues of the organization, all of which were and still are true! Inexpensive membership, monthly programs, great PAAC classes taught by the Assistant State Archaeologist, field trips, and great people. I was hooked. I am now at twenty four years with IPCAS.
I started attending IPCAS Executive Board meetings in 1993 when I somehow raised my hand when there was a request for someone to coordinate the CAS Silent Auction and Raffle for the CAS annual meeting that was held in Boulder that year. After being an at-large board member for a few years, I held several officer positions, including Secretary, Treasurer, a five year stint as Co-President (with Kris Holien) and President, and also served as PAAC Coordinator. For the last 5 years, I have been an at-large board member again. (Executive Board meetings are a great venue to stay up to date with the happenings in the chapter, help set current and future plans, and is a great way to get to know others in the chapter. No experience necessary!!)
I began doing field work in 1993, with the Rock Creek excavation, and was fortunate to meet some wonderful fellow IPCAS members at that time, many of whom remain good friends to this day. I also learned that excavation did not always mean a trowel and a brush – sometimes a pick-axe is required in Colorado’s heat-baked soil!! Since then, I have participated in numerous excavations and surveys within Colorado and several PIT projects within Colorado and Wyoming. I am very grateful for the opportunities that I have had to participate and continue to learn about archaeology, and for the friendships that I have developed over the years.
My most recent activities have been with the site stewardship program with Sue Struthers in Arapahoe/Roosevelt National Forest and Pawnee Grasslands. This involves visiting sites specified by Sue, assessing the condition of the sites, and documenting changes that have occurred each year. I currently monitor one site in the Arapahoe Roosevelt National Forest, and will do the first monitoring of a site on the Pawnee Grasslands this fall. This is a great program and provides an opportunity to study and understand a site in detail.
I am very happily retired (class of 2015) and have no problem finding things to consume my time! In addition to archaeology, I am passionate about hiking, enjoy travel, history, geneaology, gardening, and have a number of other interests to pursue as time permits!
I have certainly enjoyed my time with IPCAS, and plan to be a member for a long time! It is an outstanding organization with dedicated people committed to keeping the chapter learning and growing, and a membership that is a committed, fun group to be with, whether in meetings, on field trips, or working on projects!